Broke, but it’s the right direction

Why I am not writing here in this period? It’s very simple, I am attempting to succeed with a very ambitious -and difficult- plan, but this attempt comes with some temporary troubles with my finances. Troubles big enough that I have to cut all my expenses that are not vital, including the hosting for my websites. I already let one expire ( and this may be the next. Current hosting here ends 5 January, and honestly I don’t know if I will have enough money to pay it. This is why I am a bit reluctant to write here now.

It must be clear that the websites that I don’t renew will go only temporarily. If this one goes in pause next month, I will renew the hosting later, as soon as I can afford it. In the era of social network, I still see it necessary for myself to have my own personal website. So, the point is that I am just trying to save the little money I have now, but don’t be scared: I’ll be back here.

Ah, for the records, the ambitious plan is to retire from employee jobs from now to… forever. I may not succeed now, it may take some other months, but I have no doubt that it is a necessary step for me to achieve what I want to achieve. I feel it’s the right move.

Drumstick mushrooms

drumstick-mushroomToday, after many years (more than 10 I’d say) from the last time I found some of these, I happily found this bunch of cool drumstick mushrooms! This type of mushroom is very big, and you put it in a glass with water overnight, so it opens up. When the hat is open, it can be fried and eaten. My grandpa suggested, once cooked, to put it between two slices of bread and eat it like a sandwich. Mushburger!

Gipsies fishing in the trash

old videos – da caricare

I see this scenario more and more often, at least in Rome and Barcelona (the cities where I spend most of my time): gipsy men and women arrive at the trash bins in the street with their little chariots, and start fishing for something. This is a video of the bins in my street. The traffic is impressive: in a single morning, if you stay few hours at the window, you’ll see 9-10 different people coming at intervals, dive in the trash without caring at all about the smell or the dirt (some of them literally put their entire upper body inside the bin, you only see they butt and legs). And they search. Often they have a hook to grab the stuff. Now the question I haven’t had answered so far is: what the heck do they search for? I don’t think they go for food. I saw them grabbing pieces of solid stuff. Like metal bars. Plastic panels. Little furniture. Someone suggested me that they resell that stuff. But really, is there such a market for those things, a market that justifies this huge traffic of people coming back and forth to browse the trash? It looks also like it’s a competitive market, since they do very frequent trips, like if they want to grab something as soon as it’s trown away, before someone else gets it.